
Monday, November 19, 2012

Birth Story

Friday October 12th at approx 4:30pm I started to experience pelvic pressure that were about 13 minutes apart and regular.  Considering I wasn't feeling anything In my stomach, I didn't think anything about it.  That night, Danny, his daughter, and I went out to Bob Evans for dinner.  While the pressure was only 13 minutes apart, it made me stop eating to sit there and breath thru it ( the pressure was tolerable, just annoying).

11:00pm I decided to try and get some sleep, but while laying there I noticed the pressure were getting about 8-10 minutes apart.  Around 1:00 am (extremely tired) I went out the couch to watch t.v. and to see if the pressure gets worse. 

Around 3:00am they were about 7 minutes apart and I was so exhausted that I decided to call the Doctor. She insisted that since I was tired and the pain wasn't going away to go ahead and head to the hospital to be observed.  So I woke up Danny and on our way to the hospital we went.
  **Even though I had the bags packed weeks before, I felt so unprepared when we were grabbing everything and running out the door.**

Getting to the Triage a little after 4am, I was hooked up the monitor and checked. I was 2-3 centimeters and 75% effaced and having contractions every 7-10 minutes sporadically. At this time I was still expereincing the pelvic pressure every 7 minutes, but they were not picking up on the monitor.  Actually the contracitons that were being seen every so often, I didn't even feel at all.

After 3 hours of being observed, I was sent home.

I took a bath and tylenol when I got home to get some rest( thinking it would help the pain). I woke up around 12:40pm (remember its now Saturday Oct. 13) to go the bathroom and then MY WATER BROKE.  I walked to the bathroom and it was still coming out so I called out to Danny that my water had broke (he was a little upset because i was wearing his pants : ) ).  I called the Doctor and he stated that if it was actually my water that broke, that more would come out and  to call him back when it does.

I called my Mom and sister at this time, so they were on their way over to my apartment.

Shortly after my water breaking, the pelvic pressure was around 5 minutes apart.  It was so painful that I couldn't sit down when they happened (I still wasn't feeling any contractions in my belly).  It was around 3:00pm when I realized I have been too tough for long enough and couldn't handle the pressure anymore. I called the doctor back (even though no more fluid came out) and told him I was going to come to the hosptial due to the pain.

The drive to the hospital was horrible, even though I only live about 7 minutes away. (Sitting down when these pressures were happening were unbearable). Danny dropped me off at the front and I walked up to L&D.  As soon as I walked into triage, my water broke even more.  They checked me: I was 4 centimeters, 100% effaced and water was defintely broken (he could see hair), then.....


Call me a baby, but I got the epidural within 30 minutes of being admitted. I was in that much pain.  Shortly after receiving the epidural (around 4:30pm), I was 7 centimeters dilated.

                                     **THE EPIDURAL WAS MY BEST FRIEND**

Everything felt like it was happening so quickly, but everything changed when at 6:30pm I was 9 centimters, but continued to stay there throughout the night.  Me and Baby ended up getting temperatures due to an infection occuring in the amniotic fluid.  I had to receive a few IV antibiotics and tylenol to get my temp down.  The doctor insisted if I didn't progress, that a c-section would have to be preformed.

They ended up started pitocin around 9:30pm and moving me around side to side and used a peanut shaped ball to get me at 10 centimeters and the baby lower down in my pelvis.

Everything finally helped and at 12:45am(October 14), I started to push....

2:12am October 14- RYLEY PARKER was born at 8lbs 8.5 ounces 20 inches long with a head full of black hair.

This is the Day that changed my life forever.

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