
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Ryley's first Christmas!!

So all I can say is that my little girl was spoiled for a 2 month old. We actually opened our gifts on Xmas eve since we had a busy Xmas morning.
Danny and I got Ryley some summer clothes that were on sale, a book, and a few toys. As for everyone else, we asked for diapers and wipes.
She also received Sophie the giraffe, which I believe was more excited about than her.
Here are pictures if our first Christmas!!!

Friday, December 14, 2012


It finally happened. Danny asked, and I said Yes!! I couldn't be more thrilled especially for Ryley. We decided on.

December 7, 2013!!!

Yes a winter wedding !!❄❄❄

Danny and I started our relationship 12-5-10 and asked 12-9-12. So right Dab in the middle. Plus it's the same day my parents got married. HOW COOL right??

Me and Danny started talking at a bengals game so that's where he asked. My sister is a Photographer, as you all should know, so I have pictures if him doing it. Yayy

I'm so thrilled to start planning and excited to see Ryley as our little flower girl.

Well until next time. I'll leave you with a picture.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Its A girl Thing

So from the moment I found out I was pregnant I wanted a Girl.  I just couldn't wait to do all the girly things and have a mini me.  So when it was declared that we were in fact having a Girl, I couldn't wait to get her Nursery together.

We picked out with the furniture first because I knew I wanted all  black furniture. As for the color theme, it was between pink and gray or pink and animal print.  It was a hard decision so it's a mix of both. I am a huge fan of Pink; even things that I buy for myself are pink (example: toolbox). I can't help myself, I just LOVE pink (poor Danny).

Bedding for the crib was the hardest to find.  I felt like everything was pink and brown. I couldn't find anything that was pink/gray or pink/black. But thank goodness for my sister and she found the perfect bedding for Ryley's nursery.

Here a few more pictures of her room. She shares with her sister Mya.



Everything is all organized via these totes.
Top Left-All Diapers
Top RIght-toiletries (lotion,qtips,bathwash,ointment,etc.)
Bottom Right-Wipes
Bottom Mid-Burp clothes
Bottom Left- Misc.
Her Closet..One spoiled girl

1st Holidays


So for Halloween this year, we went up to a campsite where my family camps and did some trick or treating the week before Halloween (She was only 5 days old).  We walked around with the little ones with Ryley in her stroller.  It was a cold night, but Ryley was bundeled up and actually slept the whole time.

My family has a halloween party every year, so the weekend of Halloween we attended the party so my family can see her. It was a zombie theme this year, but we didn't dress up because we weren't staying for a long time due to my stress with breastfeeding.



I have a huge family, and my parents host Thanksgiving every year. So we headed to their house for the day and Danny's parent that night.  Ryley was great the whole day, but alot of spitting up and gas all day.

Call me wierd, but I'm not much of a "Thanksgiving food Fan." I am a really picky eater, so I eat ham, rolls, and that's pretty much it.  I'm sure Ryley enjoyed the food later, but hopefully she doesn't become a Picky eater when she's older.

Here's my cutie on her first Thanksgiving.

I definitely can't wait for my favorite holiday...Christmas. Especially having Ryley here.  I worked last year, so it will be nice to spend it with our families and now our new little family this year.

Monday, November 19, 2012

One Month

So Miss Ryley is over a month old now.  This past month, we've had our up and downs, but I couldn't be happier to have a baby girl to call my own.

She had alot going on in her first month, but she is a trooper. She had to get IV antibiotics, wear a bili blanket (at home), 2 hep B vaccines, and get extra hearing test due to the antibiotics.  Even with all that she is absolutely perfect

 Here are a few pictures of my darling daughter throughtout the first month of her life.

Newborn Photos:




This is a boys halloween outfit, but I thought it was cute.





Birth Story

Friday October 12th at approx 4:30pm I started to experience pelvic pressure that were about 13 minutes apart and regular.  Considering I wasn't feeling anything In my stomach, I didn't think anything about it.  That night, Danny, his daughter, and I went out to Bob Evans for dinner.  While the pressure was only 13 minutes apart, it made me stop eating to sit there and breath thru it ( the pressure was tolerable, just annoying).

11:00pm I decided to try and get some sleep, but while laying there I noticed the pressure were getting about 8-10 minutes apart.  Around 1:00 am (extremely tired) I went out the couch to watch t.v. and to see if the pressure gets worse. 

Around 3:00am they were about 7 minutes apart and I was so exhausted that I decided to call the Doctor. She insisted that since I was tired and the pain wasn't going away to go ahead and head to the hospital to be observed.  So I woke up Danny and on our way to the hospital we went.
  **Even though I had the bags packed weeks before, I felt so unprepared when we were grabbing everything and running out the door.**

Getting to the Triage a little after 4am, I was hooked up the monitor and checked. I was 2-3 centimeters and 75% effaced and having contractions every 7-10 minutes sporadically. At this time I was still expereincing the pelvic pressure every 7 minutes, but they were not picking up on the monitor.  Actually the contracitons that were being seen every so often, I didn't even feel at all.

After 3 hours of being observed, I was sent home.

I took a bath and tylenol when I got home to get some rest( thinking it would help the pain). I woke up around 12:40pm (remember its now Saturday Oct. 13) to go the bathroom and then MY WATER BROKE.  I walked to the bathroom and it was still coming out so I called out to Danny that my water had broke (he was a little upset because i was wearing his pants : ) ).  I called the Doctor and he stated that if it was actually my water that broke, that more would come out and  to call him back when it does.

I called my Mom and sister at this time, so they were on their way over to my apartment.

Shortly after my water breaking, the pelvic pressure was around 5 minutes apart.  It was so painful that I couldn't sit down when they happened (I still wasn't feeling any contractions in my belly).  It was around 3:00pm when I realized I have been too tough for long enough and couldn't handle the pressure anymore. I called the doctor back (even though no more fluid came out) and told him I was going to come to the hosptial due to the pain.

The drive to the hospital was horrible, even though I only live about 7 minutes away. (Sitting down when these pressures were happening were unbearable). Danny dropped me off at the front and I walked up to L&D.  As soon as I walked into triage, my water broke even more.  They checked me: I was 4 centimeters, 100% effaced and water was defintely broken (he could see hair), then.....


Call me a baby, but I got the epidural within 30 minutes of being admitted. I was in that much pain.  Shortly after receiving the epidural (around 4:30pm), I was 7 centimeters dilated.

                                     **THE EPIDURAL WAS MY BEST FRIEND**

Everything felt like it was happening so quickly, but everything changed when at 6:30pm I was 9 centimters, but continued to stay there throughout the night.  Me and Baby ended up getting temperatures due to an infection occuring in the amniotic fluid.  I had to receive a few IV antibiotics and tylenol to get my temp down.  The doctor insisted if I didn't progress, that a c-section would have to be preformed.

They ended up started pitocin around 9:30pm and moving me around side to side and used a peanut shaped ball to get me at 10 centimeters and the baby lower down in my pelvis.

Everything finally helped and at 12:45am(October 14), I started to push....

2:12am October 14- RYLEY PARKER was born at 8lbs 8.5 ounces 20 inches long with a head full of black hair.

This is the Day that changed my life forever.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Maternity shoot

Say Cheese...

My sisters own their own photography business so I decided to get maternity pictures done.  We did an ABC theme to make a book for little one when she gets older, but I'm not going to post all 26 pictures.  Here are a few of my favorites..
M is for Mommy
O- is for October
G- is for Girl. ( In bottom photo is Dannys 11yr old daughter Mya)
C- is for Cincinnati
L- is for love

K- is for Kiss

You can visit my sisters website at  Not to be bias, but they are awesome at their job..